Discover premium real estate offers, exclusively for the maib alto community

Did you know that many real estate agencies do not publish all their available listings online, especially luxury properties? Often, real estate agents have direct access to their future clients through their agency’s database, and some listings never make it to the public view on popular national platforms.

Therefore, you might miss out on premium real estate opportunities if you haven’t recently contacted a real estate agency or bought or sold a property. Exceptional properties may be overlooked when searching for high-end locations.

Maib alto is more than just banking – we aim to enrich your life with opportunities that go beyond the financial sphere. That’s why we’ve created a unique partnership with Proimobil.

Through the maib alto and Proimobil partnership, you will enjoy:

  • Exclusive and priority access to the newest and most attractive properties.
  • Private listings, including commercial spaces and pre-sales available only in our dedicated Telegram channel– maib alto realestate.

How con you explore these opportunities?

Contact your personal manager to receive the link to our dedicated channel and start discovering exceptional properties.

At maib alto, premium banking is more than just financial services – it’s about advantages than can transform your experience.

maib alto - life enriching banking


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